Hello Everyone,
Just to let you all know, our open call is still running until the 23rd of September for anyone who would like to get their submissions in. Thank you to everyone who has contributed so far, we have had an amazing response, with absolutely excellent submissions. It promises to be an exciting week in Helsinki.
For anyone who is interested, please read below for more details on the Open Call and upcoming project.
Street Line Critics is going on tour to be a part of the ‘Gaming The System’ in Helsinki from the 24th to the 27th of September and will be exploring the public spaces surrounding Kulosaari Metro Station, and the underpass leading to its entrance.
We would like to invite everyone who is interested in getting involved, to contribute their imagined ideas, thoughts, views or experiences of this place. Street Line Critics has to this point, focussed on sharing individual experiences of a personally chosen place to extend the meaning of those places for the passer-by, from a personal, citizen perspective.
This time it will be a little different, in that we ask everyone to contribute their imagined notions of a place that they have perhaps never visited. Through contributions from our Irish network we hope to build a platform for our Helsinki audience to look at a place they visit regularly in a different way. Creating the opportunity to question and explore the meaning and function of Kulosaari Metro Station in our daily lives. Stopping for a moment, and pausing to reconsider a place, which in its very nature is considered transient. A non-place where often we are focussed on the virtual reality of our destination, rather than looking around at where we find ourselves in the present moment.
It will be an opportunity for both our Street Line Critics network in Ireland and those who get involved with the project in Helsinki to question our daily realities and build up new insights about how we use and inhabit our urban landscapes, mapping out our findings from a citizen perspective. Rather than allowing our notion of place to be ruled by the standards of advertising and the prescribed function of places within an idealized city image.
As such, people in Helsinki will also have the chance to make their own contributions, to be written in a location in Ireland. In such a way extending our platform of dialogue.
So if you would like to contribute a word, sentence, phrase, question, poem, story, experience or any other written piece you feel could make an impact and start the conversation. Please get in touch via
Email: streetlinecritics@gmail.com
Or message us on our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/StreetLineCritics
For more information on the location please view the photographs included below.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank our funders who are kindly supplying everything we need and who are helping to make this project happen.
So a huge thank you to Pixelache and the Helsinki Transport System, who are a huge support to the project, and partners of Gaming the System festival.
And another huge thank you to Culture Ireland for funding our travel over to Helsinki.
We look forward to hearing from you all, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us, either through, email or facebook.
For more information on the ‘Gaming the System’ festival please visit: http://theseanimals.org/
Photographs Courtesy of Anastasia Artemeva